On Simply Knotted Tori in $S^4$
Vol. 4 (1997), No. 2, Page 279--339.
Shima, Akiko
On Simply Knotted Tori in $S^4$
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Let $T$ be a torus in $S^{4}$. If the singular set $Î(T^{*})$ of the projection $T^{*}$ ($\subset S^{3}$) of $T$ consists of three disjoint simple closed curves, then $T$ can be moved to either the standard torus, the spun torus of the trefoil knot $T^{0}(L_{3})$, the twist spun torus of the trefoil knot $T^{3}(L_{3})$, or the torus obtained by attaching a handle to the spun 2-sphere of the trefoil knot, by an ambient isotopy of $S^{4}$.
Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): Primary 57Q45; Secondary 57Q35
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR1466348
Received: 1996-03-07