An Integral Formula of Mellin's Type and Some Applications to Microlocal Analysis

J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Vol. 10 (2003), No. 1, Page 139--169.

Funakoshi, Shota ; Kataoka, Kiyoomi
An Integral Formula of Mellin's Type and Some Applications to Microlocal Analysis
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We introduce an integral formula of Mellin's type for holomorphic functions without any growth order restriction. We apply this formula to solve some partial differential equations in complex domains. These equations appear in the study of the second microlocal analysis along Lagrangian submanifolds. As an important application, we have an extension of Funakoshi's solvability theorem in \cite{Funakoshi-phd} to the case without any growth order restriction.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): Primary 35A27; Secondary 30E20
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR1963801

Received: 2001-02-28