On the Uniqueness Theorem for Nonlinear Singular Partial Differential Equations

J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Vol. 5 (1998), No. 3, Page 477--506.

Tahara, Hidetoshi
On the Uniqueness Theorem for Nonlinear Singular Partial Differential Equations
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The paper proves a uniqueness theorem of the solution of nonlinear singular partial differential equations % $$(t \partial / \partial t)^m u = F \left( t,x, \{(t \partial / \partial t)^j (\partial / \partial x)^{α} u \}_{j+|α| \leq m, j
Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): Primary 35A07; Secondary 35A20, 35B40
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR1656062

Received: 1997-10-29