Analogue of Flat Basis and Cohomological Intersection Numbers for General Hypergeometric Functions

J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Vol. 6 (1999), No. 2, Page 415--436.

Kimura, Hironobu ; Taneda, Makoto
Analogue of Flat Basis and Cohomological Intersection Numbers for General Hypergeometric Functions
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The general hypergeometric functions of confluent type given by $1$-dimensional integral are studied. To such functions, the rational de Rham cohomology group is associated and cohomological intersection numbers for a good basis are computed explicitly, using the property of the basis analogous to the flat basis of simple singularity of $ A $-type.

Keywords: hypergeometric function, de Rham cohomology, intersection number, flat basis

Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 33C45, 33C50, 33C80
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR1706944

Received: 1998-09-02