$Ï_1$ of smooth points of a log del Pezzo surface is finite : I
Vol. 1 (1994), No. 1, Page 137--180.
Gurjar, R. V. ; Zhang, D.-Q.
$Ï_1$ of smooth points of a log del Pezzo surface is finite : I
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A log del Pezzo surface is a normal projective surface $S$ defined over the field of complex numbers, such that $S$ has at most quotient singularities and $-K_S$ is ample, where $K_S$ denotes the canonical divisor. The main result of this work is the following theorem: \proclaimit{Theorem.}{Let $S$ be a log del Pezzo surface. Then the fundamental group of the space of smooth points of $S$ is finite.} We also give a quite precise description of the singularities of $S$ when $S$ has Picard group of rank 1.
Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): Primary 14E20; Secondary 14E35, 14F45, 14H30, 14J25, 14J26
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR1298542
Received: 1993-02-24