

  1. 2022年4月11-14日: Schrödinger model of minimal representations and branching problems. Minimal Representations and Theta Correspondence, Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics, Wien, オーストリア.
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  2. 2022年4月25日-5月16日: Proper Actions and Representation Theory. Mini-courses of Mini-lectures. AIM Research Community: Representation Theory & Noncommutative Geometry (online).
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  3. 2022年6月6-10日: Tempered Homogeneous Spaces. Symmetry in Geometry and Analysis, Reims University, フランス.
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  4. 2022年7月1-15日: Proper Actions and Representation Theory (3 lectures). Representations and characters: revisiting some aspects of the works of Harish-Chandra and Weil, the Institute for Mathematical Sciences — A satellite conference of the virtual ICM 2022, National University of Singapore, シンガポール.
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  5. 2022年7月9日: Harish-Chandra's admissibility theorem and beyond. Representations and characters: revisiting some aspects of the works of Harish-Chandra and Weil, the Institute for Mathematical Sciences — A satellite conference of the virtual ICM 2022, National University of Singapore, シンガポール.
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  6. 2022年9月5-9日: On the Crossroads of Global Analysis and Representation Theory. Geometry, Analysis, and Representation Theory of Lie Groups, The University of Tokyo.
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  7. 2022年10月15日: "Visible action" と "ただ一つ" ―無重複表現を生成する幾何構造―. 数理科学研究科設立30周年記念式典. 東京大学.
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© Toshiyuki Kobayashi