- 2011年1月6日:
Analysis on Minimal Representations, Geometry and Dynamics Seminar. Université Lille, フランス.
[ 全情報 ]
- 2011年2月13-19日:
Geometric Quantization, Limits, and Restrictions—Some Examples for Elliptic and Minimal Orbits, Geometric Quantization in the Non-compact Setting, Oberwolfach, ドイツ.
[ 全情報 ]
- 2011年2月19-23日:
Geometric Quantization of Coadjoint Orbits, Limits and Restrictions, 第10回 冪零軌道と表現論 -NORTh10-, 九州大学.
[ 全情報 ]
- 2011年3月28日-4月1日:
Restrictions of Verma Modules to Symmetric Pairs and Some Applications to Differential Geometry, Workshop on the Interaction of Representation Theory with Geometry and Combinatorics. Hausdorff Institute, Bonn, ドイツ.
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- 2011年5月6日:
Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces—Beyond the Riemannian Case, Colloquium, University of Chicago, アメリカ.
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- 2011年5月17日:
Restrictions of Verma Modules to Symmetric Pairs and Some Applications to Differential Geometry, Special day on Lie groups, Utrecht University, オランダ.
[ 全情報 ]
- 2011年6月19-26日:
Restrictions of Verma Modules to Symmetric Pairs and Some Applications to Differential Geometry,
Representation Theory XII, Dubrovnik, クロアチア.
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- 2011年6月20-26日:
Analysis on Minimal Representations,
IX. International Workshop: Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics, Varna, ブルガリア.
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- 2011年7月15-16日:
Multiplicities of irreducible representation,
Seminar Sophus Lie,
Erlangen, ドイツ.
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- 2011年7月25-29日:
1. Branching problems for unitary representations—analytic aspects;
2. Branching problems for unitary representations—algebraic aspects (opening lecture), AIM Conference: Branching Problems for Unitary Representations, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, ドイツ.
[ 全情報 ]
- 2011年9月5-10日:
Conformally equivariant differential operators and branching problems of Verma modules, Lie Groups: Geometry and Analysis (JSPS/DFGセミナー), Paderborn University, ドイツ.
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- 2011年9月5-9日:
Analysis of minimal representations, Harmonic Analysis, Deformation Quantization, Noncommutative Geometry,
Scalea, イタリア.
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- 2011年9月27日:
On real spherical homogeneous spaces, Analysis on Lie Groups,
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, ドイツ.
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- 2011年10月30日-11月5日:
Analysis on pseudo-Riemannian locally symmetric spaces,
Chern Centennial Conference,
Mathematical Science Research Institute (MSRI) at Berkeley, California, アメリカ.
[ 全情報 ]
- 2011年11月5-6日:
Finite multiplicity theorems,
Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and their Representations (organized by Joseph Wolf),
University of California, Berkeley, California, アメリカ.
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- 2011年12月14日:
Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Homogeneous Spaces,
IPMU Colloquium, IPMU, the University of Tokyo.
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- 2011年12月28-31日:
Discrete Spectrum for Non-Riemannian Locally Symmetric Spaces,
Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups (on the occasion of Prof. MS Raghunathan turning 70 during the year),
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, インド.
[ 全情報 ]
© Toshiyuki Kobayashi