Kazushi Ueda

植田 一石 (うえだ かずし)


  1. Homological mirror symmetry for Milnor fibers via moduli of \( A_\infty \)-structures,
    with Yanki Lekili,
    to appear in Journal of Topology,
  2. The ring of modular forms for the even unimodular lattice of signature (2,18),
    with Atsuhira Nagano,
    to appear in Hiroshima Mathematical Journal,
  3. The ring of modular forms for the even unimodular lattice of signature (2,10),
    with Kenji Hashimoto,
    to appear in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society,
  4. The ring of modular forms of \( \mathrm{O}(2,4;\mathbb{Z}) \) with characters,
    with Atsuhira Nagano,
    to appear in Hokkaido Mathematical Journal,
  5. Homological mirror symmetry for Milnor fibers of simple singularities,
    with Yanki Lekili,
    Algebraic Geometry, Volume 8, Issue 5, 562-586, 2021,
  6. Spherical 2-designs as stationary points of many-body systems,
    with Makoto Miura,
    Graphs and Combinatorics, Volume 37, Number 2, 485-492, 2021,
  7. Residue mirror symmetry for Grassmannians,
    with Bumsig Kim, Jeongseok Oh, and Yutaka Yoshida,
    Schubert Calculus and Its Applications in Combinatorics and Representation Theory,
    Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics,
    Volume 332, 307-365, 2020,
  8. Projective reconstruction in algebraic vision,
    with Atsushi Ito and Makoto Miura,
    Canadian Mathematical Bulletin,
    Volume 63, Number 3, 592-609, 2020,
  9. Potential functions on Grassmannians of planes and cluster transformations,
    with Yuichi Nohara,
    Journal of Symplectic Geometry,
    Volume 18, Number 2, 559-612, 2020,
  10. The class of the affine line is a zero divisor in the Grothendieck ring: the case of K3 surfaces of degree 12 and abelian varieties,
    with Atsushi Ito, Makoto Miura, and Shinnosuke Okawa,
    Selecta Mathematica,
    Volume 26, Number 3, Paper No. 38, 27, 2020,
  11. \( G_2 \)-Grassmannians and derived equivalences,
    Manuscripta Mathematica,
    Volume 159, Number 3-4, 549--559, 2019,
  12. Reconstruction of general elliptic K3 surfaces from their Gromov-Hausdorff limits,
    with Kenji Hashimoto,
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society,
    Volume 147, Number 5, 1963-1969, 2019,
  13. The class of the affine line is a zero divisor in the Grothendieck ring: via \( G_2 \)-Grassmannians,
    with Atsushi Ito, Makoto Miura, and Shinnosuke Okawa,
    Journal of Algebraic Geometry,
    Volume 28, Number 2, 245-250, 2019,
  14. Equivariant A-twisted GLSM and Gromov-Witten invariants of CY 3-folds in Grassmannians,
    with Yutaka Yoshida,
    Journal of High Energy Physics,
    Number 9, 128, front matter+19, 2017.
  15. On a certain generalization of triangle singularities,
    with Kenji Hashimoto and Hwayoung Lee,
    Manuscripta Mathematica,
    Volume 153, Number 1-2, 35-51, 2017.
  16. Floer cohomologies of non-torus fibers of the Gelfand-Cetlin system,
    with Yuichi Nohara,
    Journal of Symplectic Geometry,
    Volume 14, Number 4, 1251-1293, 2016.
  17. Dimer models and crepant resolutions,
    with Akira Ishii,
    Hokkaido Mathematical Journal,
    Volume 45, Number 1, 1-42, 2016.
  18. Lagrangian torus fibrations and homological mirror symmetry for the conifold,
    with Kwokwai Chan and Daniel Pomerleano,
    Communications in Mathematical Physics,
    Volume 341 (2016), Issue 1, 135-178.
  19. Dimer models and the special McKay correspondence,
    with Akira Ishii,
    Geometry and Topology,
    Volume 19 (2015), 3405-3466.
  20. The special McKay correspondence and exceptional collection,
    with Akira Ishii,
    Tohoku Mathematical Journal,
    Volume 67 (2015), Number 4, 585-609.
  21. Goldman systems and bending systems,
    with Yuichi Nohara,
    Canadian Journal of Mathematics,
    Volume 67 (2015), 1109-1143,
  22. A note on bimodal singularities and mirror symmetry,
    with Makiko Mase,
    Manuscripta Mathematica,
    Volume 146 (2015), Issue 1-2, 153-177,
  23. Weighted projective lines as fine moduli spaces of quiver representations,
    with Tarig Abdelgadir,
    Communications in Algebra,
    Volume 43 (2015), Number 2, 636-649,

  24. Tropical coamoeba and torus-equivariant homological mirror symmetry for the projective space,
    with Masahiro Futaki,
    Communications in Mathematical Physics,
    Volume 332 (2014), Number 1, 53-87,
  25. Hyperplane sections and stable derived categories,
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society,
    Volume 142 (2014), Number 9, 3019-3028,
  26. Toric degenerations of integrable systems on Grassmannians and polygon spaces,
    with Yuichi Nohara,
    Nagoya Mathematical Journal,
    Volume 214 (2014), 125-168,
  27. Dual torus fibrations and homological mirror symmetry for \( A_n \)-singularities,
    with Kwokwai Chan,
    Communications in Number Theory and Physics,
    Volume 7 (2013), Number 2, 361-396,
  28. Invariants of hypergeometric groups for Calabi-Yau complete intersections in weighted projective spaces,
    with Susumu Tanabe,
    Communications in Number Theory and Physics,
    Volume 7 (2013), Number 2, 327-359,
  29. Homological mirror symmetry for the quintic 3-fold,
    with Yuichi Nohara,
    Geometry and Topology,
    Volume 16 (2012), 1967-2001,
  30. Homological mirror symmetry for toric orbifolds of toric del Pezzo surfaces,
    with Masahito Yamazaki,
    Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik,
    Issue 680 (2013), 1-22,
  31. A note on derived categories of Fermat varieties,
    with Akira Ishii,
    in Derived Categories in Algebraic Geometry,
    EMS Series of Congress Reports
    Volume 8 (2012), 103-110,
    PDF file.
  32. A note on homological mirror symmetry for singularities of type D,
    With Masahiro Futaki,
    Mathematische Zeitschrift,
    Volume 273 (2013), 633-652,
  33. A note on exceptional unimodal singularities and K3 surfaces,
    with Masanori Kobayashi and Makiko Mase,
    International Mathematics Research Notices,
    Number 7 (2013), 1665-1690,
  34. Potential functions via toric degenerations,
    with Takeo Nishinou and Yuichi Nohara,
    Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series A,
    Volume 88 (2012), Number 2, 31-33,
  35. On graded stable derived categories of isolated Gorenstein quotient singularities,
    Journal of Algebra,
    Volume 352 (2012), Issue 1, 382-391,
  36. A note on consistency conditions on dimer models,
    with Akira Ishii,
    in Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry,
    RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu,
    B24 (2011), 143--164,
  37. Exact Lefschetz fibrations associated with dimer models,
    with Masahiro Futaki,
    Mathematical Research Letters,
    Volume 17 (2010), Number 6, 1029-1040,
  38. Homological mirror symmetry for Brieskorn-Pham singularities,
    with Masahiro Futaki,
    Selecta Mathematica,
    Volume 17 (2011), Number 2, 435-452,
  39. A note on dimer models and McKay quivers,
    with Masahito Yamazaki,
    Communications in Mathematical Physics,
    Volume 301 (2010), Number 3, 723-747,
  40. Toric degenerations of Geland-Cetlin systems and potential functions,
    with Takeo Nishinou and Yuichi Nohara,
    Advances in Mathematics,
    Volume 224 (2010), Number 2, 648-706,
  41. Toric Calabi-Yau four-folds dual to Chern-Simons matter theories,
    with Masahito Yamazaki,
    Journal of High Energy Physics,
    Number 12 (2008), 045, 20 pp,
  42. Logarithmic vector fields along smooth divisors in projective spaces,
    with Masahiko Yoshinaga,
    Hokkaido Mathematical Journal,
    Volume 38 (2009), Number 3, 409-415,
  43. Logarithmic vector fields along smooth plane cubic curves,
    with Masahiko Yoshinaga,
    Kumamoto Journal of Mathematics,
    Volume 21 (2008), 11-20,
  44. Triangulated categories of Gorenstein cyclic quotient singularities,
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society,
    Volume 136 (2008), Number 8, 2745-2747,
  45. On moduli spaces of quiver representations associated with brane tilings,
    with Akira Ishii,
    RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu,
    B9 (2008), 127-141,
  46. Stability conditions on $A_n$-singularities,
    with Akira Ishii and Hokuto Uehara,
    Journal of Differential Geometry,
    Volume 84 (2010), Number 1, 87-126,
  47. Appendix to "Matrix Factorizations and Representations of Quivers II: type ADE case",
    by Hiroshige Kajiura, Kyoji Saito, and Atsushi Takahashi,
    Advances in Mathematics,
    Volume 211 (2007), Number 1, 327-362,
  48. Stokes matrices for the quantum cohomologies of Grassmannians,
    International Mathematics Research Notices,
    Number 34 (2005), 2075-2086,
  49. Homological mirror symmetry for toric del Pezzo surfaces,
    Communications in Mathematical Physics,
    Volume 264 (2006), Number 1, 71-85,