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Tokyo-Seoul Conference in Mathematics -Complex Geometry-
- ・Date : December 2nd(Fri)-3rd(Sat), 2011
・Venue : Room 002, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo (Access)
- ・Speakers :
Jaehyun HONG (Seoul National Univ.)
Dano KIM (Seoul National Univ.)
Sung-Yeon KIM (Kangwon National Univ.)
Jihun PARK (Postech)
Kengo HIRACHI (Univ. of Tokyo)
Shinobu HOSONO (Univ. of Tokyo)
Hideki MIYACHI (Osaka Univ.)
Junjiro NOGUCHI (Univ. of Tokyo)
Wing Keung TO (National Univ. of Singapore)
Lin WENG (Kyushu Univ.) - ・Participants include: J.H. Keum, J.-M. Hwang, D. Kaledin, and 12 Postdocs in KIAS.
- ・Program (PDF) :
9:50 - 10:00 Opening
10:00 - 11:00 Kengo HIRACHI (Univ. of Tokyo)
“CR invariant differential operators and BGG complex”
11:15 - 12:15 Sung-Yeon KIM (Kangwon National Univ.)
“Rigidity of CR maps between symmetric CR manifolds of type one”
13:45 - 14:45 Hideki MIYACHI (Osaka Univ.)
“Integration of invariant measures over the moduli space of Riemann surfaces”
15:15 - 16:15 Jaehyun HONG (Seoul National Univ.)
“Rigid Schubert varieties of rational homogeneous manifolds of Picard number one”
16:30 - 17:30 Wing Keung TO (National Univ. of Singapore)
“Moduli space of canonically polarized manifolds and Kobayashi hyperbolicity”
18:00 - Reception, Common room 222 3rd
10:00 - 11:00 Lin WENG (Kyushu Univ.)
“A local family index theorem in log geometry”
11:15 - 12:15 Dano KIM (Seoul National Univ.)
“Extension and division of section rings”
13:45 - 14:45 Shinobu HOSONO (Univ. of Tokyo)
“On the mirror family of Reye congruence Calabi-Yau threefolds”
15:15 - 16:15 Jihun PARK (Postech)
“Log canonical threshold, stability and K¨ahler-Einstein metric on Fano manifolds”
16:30 - 17:30 Junjiro NOGUCHI (Univ. of Tokyo)
“Value distribution and distribution of rational points”- ・Reception :
December 2(Fri), 2011 at 6:00 p.m. at Common room 222
- ・Organizing Committee :
Shigeharu TAKAYAMA (Univ. of Tokyo)
- Supported by Global COE Program "The Research and Training Center for New Development in Mathematics", Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo.