
Titles and abstracts

Main topics

Ramification theory, Rigid Geometry, p-adic Hodge theory and applications


A. Abbes (CNRS, IHÉS), T. Abe (IPMU, Tokyo), K. Bannai (Keio, Yokohama), C. Breuil (CNRS, Orsay),

G. Chenevier (CNRS, Palaiseau), K. Fujiwara (Nagoya), E. Hellmann (Bonn), N. Imai (RIMS, Kyoto),

P. Kassaei (London), Y. Mieda (Kyoto), J. Nekovar (Paris),

A. Shiho (Tokyo), A. Tamagawa (RIMS, Kyoto), Y. Tian (Beijing),

T. Tsuji (Tokyo), T. Tsushima (Kyushu), S. Wewers (Ulm), L. Xiao (Chicago).


Group photos No. 1, No. 2, No.3.


Ahmed Abbes (CNRS, IHÉS), Takeshi Saito (Tokyo), Takeshi Tsuji (Tokyo)

Supported by

JSPS Grant-in-aid (B) 22244001,

Global COE program "The Research and Training Center for New Development in Mathematics".

The conference will take place in the conference hall of the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo, Komaba 153-8914 Tokyo, Japan.
Access. Registration form. Hotels in Shibuya