Miniworkshop on Operator Algebras III

January 30, 2013

Rooms: 123/118 Math. Sci. Building
Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences
The University of Tokyo

(an access map)


Wednesday, January 30
 9:45-10:45 (Room 123) Marzieh Forough (Ferdowsi Univ. Mashhad) Stability of Fredholm property of regular operators on Hilbert C*-modules (abstract)
11:00-12:00 (Room 123) Gerardo Morsella (Univ. Roma II) Scaling algebras, superselection theory and asymptotic morphisms
13:30-14:30 (Room 123) Joav Orovitz (Ben-Gurion Univ.) Tracially Z-absorbing C*-algebras
14:45-15:45 (Room 118) Nicola Watson (Univ. Toronto) Noncommutative covering dimension
16:00-17:00 (Room 118) Marcel Bischoff (Univ. Göttingen) Construction of models in low dimensional QFT using operator algebraic methods
17:15-18:15 (Room 118) Hiroki Asano (Univ. Tokyo) Group actions with Rohlin property (abstract)

No preregistrations are necessary.

Supported by the Global COE Program "The research and training center for new development in mathematics" and Leading Graduate Course for Frontiers of Mathematical Scieces and Physics.

Organizer: Y. Kawahigashi

For further information, please contact

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