The fifth Takagi Lectures

Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan


October 4, Saturday
11:00--12:00 Registration and Coffee
12:00--12:05 Opening
12:10--13:10 Maxim Kontsevich (IHÉS)
Holonomic D-modules and positive characteristic (I)
13:30--14:30 Nikita Nekrasov (IHÉS)
Instanton partition functions and M-theory (I)
14:30--15:00 Coffee/Tea Break
15:00--16:00 Jean-Pierre Bourguignon (CNRS-IHÉS)
Ricci curvature and measures (I)
October 5, Sunday
09:30--10:30 Étienne Ghys (CNRS-ÉNS Lyon)
Right-handed vector fields and the Lorenz attractor (I)
10:50--11:50 Maxim Kontsevich (IHÉS)
Holonomic D-modules and positive characteristic (II)
11:50--13:10 Lunch Break
13:10--14:10 Nikita Nekrasov (IHÉS)
Instanton partition functions and M-theory (II)
14:30--15:30 Jean-Pierre Bourguignon (CNRS-IHÉS)
Ricci curvature and measures (II)
15:50--16:50 Étienne Ghys (CNRS-ÉNS Lyon)
Right-handed vector fields and the Lorenz attractor (II)
17:00--18:00 Workshop closing with drinks

Organizing Committee
Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, T. Saito


Last modified: 2 October 2008