The 15th Takagi Lectures

Lecture Theater (3rd floor), House of Creativity
Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan

(iv+137 pages)
ISSN 2187-3267

Table of Contents
Preface to the 15th Takagi Lectures (by T. Kobayashi) i-iii (PDF)
Program iv (PDF)
* * *
V.F.R. Jones Knots, Groups, Subfactors and Physics 1-38
A. Vershik Invariant Measures: New Aspects of Dynamics, Combinatorics and Representation Theory 39-79
C. Villani Synthetic Theory of Ricci Curvature Bounds 81-121
* * *
Program (in Japanese) 124-125 (PDF)
Poster for the fifteenth Takagi Lectures 126 (PDF) in English
127 (PDF) in Japanese
List of Takagi Lecturers 128-129 (PDF)
Japanese Journal of Mathematics 130-136 (PDF)
Advertisement for JJM 137 (PDF)
Cover (JPG)

Organizing Committee
Y. Kawahigashi, T. Kobayashi, H. Nakajima, K. Ono, T. Saito