Speaker: Makoto Yamashita (Univ. Oslo)
Title: Quantization of locally compact groups from matched pairs
Time/Date: 4:45-6:15pm, July 13 (Tue.), 2021
Room: This will be an online seminar on Zoom. Please ask Kawahigashi for the Zoom link.
Abstract: Matched pair of locally compact groups lead to the bicrossed product quantum group. Motivated by Stachura's construction of operator algebraic quantization for κ-Poincare groups, we show that this framework gives a quantization of Poisson-Lie groups that naturally appear through the associated Lie algebroid. Looking at the example coming from Iwasawa decomposition of real simple Lie groups, we get a coboundary Poisson-Lie structure. Based on work in progress with Floris Elzinga.