- Quantum 6j-symbold and α-induction, Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (China), 2024.
- Flatness of alpha-induced bi-unitary connections and commutativity of Frobenius algebras, Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (U.S.A.), 2024.
- Operator algebras, tensor categories and tensor networks, International Congress on Basic Science, Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (China), 2024.
- Operator algebras, bi-unitary connections and tensor networks, Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (China), 2024. (another list on YouTube)
- Bi-unitary connections, modular tensor categories and alpha-induction, Banff International Research Station (Canada), 2023.
- Two-dimensional topological order and operator algebras, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (U.K.), 2023.
- トポロジカル量子コンピュータのための数学,公開シンポジウム「トポロジカルデバイスの現在と未来」,科学技術振興機構,2023.
- α-induction for bi-unitary connections, Isaac Newton Instiute for Mathematical Sciences (U.K.), 2023.
- α-induction, tensor categories and operator algebras, BIMSA Integrable Systems Seminar (China) [Online], 2023.
- 無限次元の行列と量子コンピュータ,東京大学大学院数理科学研究科2022年度公開講座 『量子の世界の数学』,2022.
- A characterization of a finite-dimensional commuting square producing a subfactor of finite depth, 作用素論作用素環論研究集会,大阪教育大学,2022.
- エニオンの圏論的対称性と作用素環,京都大学基礎物理学研究所,2022.
- A characterization of a finite-dimensional
commuting square producing a subfactor of finite depth, Harvard University (U.S.A.), 2022.
- トポロジカル量子コンピュータの理論と数学,公開シンポジウム「トポロジカル科学の現在と未来」,科学技術振興機構,2021.
- 無限次元の数学と量子計算機,公開講座,東京大学五月祭,2021.
- Topological order, tensor networks and subfactors, Harvard University (U.S.A.), 2020
- Topological order, operator algebras and topological quantum field theory, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico), 2020
- Topological order, tensor networks and subfactors, Erwin Schrödinger Institute (Austria), 2020
- Anyons, matrix product operator algebras and subfactors, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics (U.S.A.), 2019.
- The relative Drinfeld commutants and the relative Verlinde formula, Banff International Research Station (Canada), 2018.
- Conformal field theory, vertex operator algebras and operator algebras,
International Congress of Mathematicians 2018, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 2018.
- The relative Drinfeld commutant of a fusion category and alpha-induction, Będlewo (Poland), 2018
- 数学特別講義(函数解析学)作用素環と共形場理論, 京都大学, 2018.
- Subfactors, conformal field theory and modular tensor categories, Casa Matemática Oaxaca (Mexico), 2016
- Subfactors and gapped domain walls between topological phases, Universität Bonn (Germany), 2016
- 木田良才氏インタビュー, 東京大学,2015
- Full conformal field theories, tensor categories and subfactors, Banff International Research Station (Canada) 2014.
- 誤り訂正符号と数学, 東京大学, 2011.
- インターネットと暗号の数学, 東京大学, 2011.
- 通信の効率化の数学---ネットワーク符号化, 東京大学, 2011.
- Interview with Vaughan Jones, the University of Tokyo, 2009
- Interview with Benoit Collins, the University of Tokyo, 2008
- Braiding and extension of endomorphisms of operator algebras, MSRI (U.S.A.), 2000