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[B] 部分因子環論 (1990-1998)
Jones の部分因子環論の研究を行った.
[4], [5]でパラグループ理論の基礎を研究し,オービフォールド構成法を導入した.
[C] 共形場理論と作用素環 (1998-)
[8], [10] で Longo, Rehren, Xu の研究していた α-induction の理論と
Ocneanu のグラフ的方法を統一し,基本的な結果を得た.
また,[9] で作用素環的な共形場理論の完全有理性の概念を導入し,
カイラルな共形場理論について,中心電荷が1未満の場合に [11]で完全な分類
spectral triple の新しい構成法を超共形場理論の枠組みで与えた.
続けて[15]では非可換幾何学と N=2 超共形場理論の関係の研究を続け,
さらにその途中経過で,N=2 超共形代数のキャラクターの表式の新しい証明を
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The structure of the automorphism group of an injective factor
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[5] D. E. Evans, Y. Kawahigashi,
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[7] D. E. Evans, Y. Kawahigashi,
"Quantum symmetries on operator algebras",
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[8] J. Böckenhauer, D. E. Evans, Y. Kawahigashi,
On alpha-induction, chiral generators and modular invariants for subfactors,
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Chiral structure of modular invariants for subfactors,
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[11] Y. Kawahigashi, R. Longo,
Classification of local conformal nets: Case c < 1,
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[12] Y. Kawahigashi, R. Longo,
Classification of two-dimensional local conformal nets with c < 1
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[13] Y. Kawahigashi, R. Longo,
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[14] S. Carpi, R. Hillier, Y. Kawahigashi, R. Longo,
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[15] S. Carpi, R. Hillier, Y. Kawahigashi, R. Longo, F. Xu,
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[16] S. Carpi, Y. Kawahigashi, R. Longo, M. Weiner,
From vertex operator algebras to conformal nets and back,
Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 254 (2018), no. 1213, vi+85 pp.
- Subfactor理論とその応用 --- 作用素環と場の量子論 ---
日本数学会 年会総合講演(春季賞受賞講演), 明治大学, 2002年3月.
- Conformal field theory and operator algebras
International Congress on Mathematical Physics -
ICMP 2006 (Plenary talk), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), August 2006.
- Quantum field theory and operator algebras
5th Asian Mathematical Conference
(Plenary talk), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), June 2009.
- Superconformal field theory and operator algebras
Seminal Interactions between
Mathematics and Physics, Rome (Italy), September 2010.
- Conformal field theory, vertex operator algebras and operator algebras
ICM 2018, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), August 2018 (Sections: "Analysis and Operator Algebras", "Mathematical Physics").