Since I am now at Rome, I write this in English.
The results of the final examination are as follows.

Points: 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 100-
Number    7     8     8     5     5     1     2     2     7     1    3     

The perfect score would be 165 and the highest score was 140.
The correspodence between the scores and the grades is as follows.
 0-34 D  25 (the number of the students)
35-49 C   8 
50-79 B   5
80-   A  11

A student got an upgrade from D to C based on the scores of the
weekly examinations we had.  Another got an upgrade from D to C
of the grade of Analysis Special Exercises I based on the score
of this exam.

Here are some simple explanations of the exam problems.

[1] (25 points) I am sorry that I should have added the condition
mu(A) > 0 in the definition of the atom.  Two students noticed 
this error, but I believe that no one had a trouble in this problem
because of this error.

[2] (25 points) Split the integral into two, one is for |f|= < C,
and the other is for |f| > C.

[3] (20 points) Use Fatou's lemma.

[4] (25 points) For both f and g, split the integrals into two,
one is for |x|= < t and the other is for |x| > t for some large t.

[5] (20 points) Use Holder's inequality.

[6] (30 points) Use Holder's inequality for the monotonicity.
Use the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem for the continuity.

[7] (20 points) Use Fubini's theorem (properly!)