Speaker: Yusuke Isono (RIMS, Kyoto Univ.)

Title: Introduction to rigidity theory of von Neumann algebras

Time/Datee: 4:45-6:15, Wednesday, May 20, 2015,

Room: 122

Abstract: We introduce the class C(AO) of von Neumann algebras that particularly contains free (quantum) group factors and free Araki-Woods factors. We show that any tensor product factor, which consists of finitely many factors in C(AO), retains each tensor component (up to stable isomorphism). This generalizes Ozawa-Popa's pioneering work for free group factors and provides a new result for free Araki-Woods factors. In order to obtain this, we show that Connes's bicentralizer problem has a positive solution for all type III1 factors in the class C(AO). This is joint work with C. Houdayer.