2020冬学期,水曜13:00-14:45: 数学続論XD / 数物先端科学IV

リー群の表現論の解析的手法 Lie Groups and Analytic Approach to Representation Theory


Visible actions on complex manifolds and multiplicity-free representations (複素多様体上の可視的作用と無重複表現).

Multiplicity-free property of representations is an algebraic underlying structure of various expansion theorems in classical analysis. In the course, I begin with many examples of multiplicity-free representations, ranging from algebraic and combinatorial representation theory to classical analysis, and from finite-dimensional cases to infinite-dimensional cases with continuous spectrum. Then I explain a new approach to produce multiplicity-free representations systematically, namely, the theory of visible actions on complex manifolds and the propagation theorem of multiplicity-free property. This course is an outgrowth of my previous courses at Harvard University and at Tata Institute (for Ramanujan's 125 years anniversary).


© Toshiyuki Kobayashi