The 22nd Takagi Lectures
November 17 (Sat), 2018
13:35--14:35, 16:45--17:45
Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Singularities in mixed characteristic. The perfectoid approach
Yves André
(Université Pierre et Marie Curie)


The homological conjectures, which date back to Peskine, Szpiro and Hochster at the end of the 60fs, make fundamental predictions about syzygies and intersection problems in commutative algebra. They were established long ago in the presence of a base field, and led to tight closure theory, a powerful tool to investigate singularities in characteristic $p$.

Recently, perfectoid techniques coming from $p$-adic Hodge theory have allowed to get rid of any base field. We shall report on our proof of the direct summand conjecture and the existence and weak functoriality of big Cohen-Macaulay algebras, which solve the homological conjectures in general. This also opens the way to the study of singularities in mixed characteristic, and we shall outline ongoing work by Ma and Schwede which shows how such a study can even build a bridge between singularity theory in char. $p$ and in char. $0$.