Dear Colleagues, the Journal of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Tokyo will publish a special issue in 2015 in order to celebrate the centennial anniversary of Professor Kunihiko Kodaira's birthday.
Professor Kodaira was born on March 16, 1915. He was a graduate of the University of Tokyo and served as an associate professor and a professor before and after his long stay in the USA, where he was a member of IAS and a professor at Princeton University, Johns Hopkins University and Stanford University. His works include harmonic analysis on complex manifolds, the deformation theory, and classification of complex analytic surfaces. I would like to call him a father of the theory of complex manifolds.
The journal has a long history as it succeeded the Journal of the Faculty of Sciences, the University of Tokyo, Section IA. For example, Takagi's class field theory was published in this journal. It changed its name when the Mathematics Department separated from the Faculty of Sciences.
The editorial board for this special issue consists of the following seven members: Jean-Pierre Demailly (Grenoble), Gerard van der Geer (Amsterdam), Christopher Hacon (Utah), Yujiro Kawamata (Tokyo), Toshiyuki Kobayashi (Tokyo), Yoichi Miyaoka (Tokyo), Wilfried Schmid (Harvard).
I would be very pleased if we will receive many high-quality submissions for this special issue. If you wish to submit, please send your manuscript in the form of a pdf file to journal@ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp with the subject line "Kodaira Centennial Issue". We would like to set the deadline at the end of June 2014. Thank you very much for your collaboration in advance!
© Toshiyuki Kobayashi