Number theory seminar 代数学コロキウム
Wednesday 4:30pm-5:30pm at 117
- 4月19日(水)
谷口隆 氏(東京大学数理科学研究科)
Distributions of discriminants of cubic algebras
伴 克馬 氏(東京大学数理科学研究科)
Differential Operators of Rankin-Cohen-Ibukiyama Type
for Automorphic Forms of Several Variables
Kai Koehler 氏 (Uni. Duesseldorf)
Quaternionic analytic torsion and arithmetic geometry
Thomas Geisser氏 (USC)
Duality via cycle complexes
Hecke-Siegel's pull back formula for the Epstein zeta function with
spherical harmonic
原下秀士氏 (北海道大学・学振)
Configuration of the central streams in the moduli of abelian varieties
桜井 真氏
Beilinson-Drinfeld chiral algebra, geometric Langlands
program, and open Gromov-Witten invariants
8/9 at 128
G. Prasad (Univ. of Michigan)
Fake projective spaces
8月25日(金) 128
A. Marmora氏(パリ北大・東大/学振)
p-adic local constants
- 9/6 at 128
B. Edixhoven (Leiden)
Computation of the mod l Galois representations associated to Delta
- 10/18
- 16:30-17:30
F. Orgogozo (Tokyo/Paris)
p-dimension of henselian fields: an application of Ofer Gabber's technique
- 17:45-18:45
M. Kim (Purdue)
Fundamental Groups and Diophantine Geometry
- 10/25 17:00-18:00
平之内 俊郎(九州大学)
Extensions of truncated discrete valuation rings
- 11/1
- 16:30-17:30
G. Bayarmagnai (Tokyo)
Essential dimension of some finite group schemes
- 17:45-18:45
J. Tilouine (Paris)
Overconvergent Siegel modular forms
abstract: We recall what is known and what is conjectured
on p-adic families of overconvergent Siegel modular forms.
We show how this relates to a Fontaine-Mazure type
conjecture on the classicality of certain overconvergent
Siegel forms of genus 2.
We explain few results known in this direction.
- 12/6
- 16:30-17:30
V. Maillot (Jussieu/RIMS)
New applications of the arithmetic Riemann-Roch theorem
- 17:45-18:45
D. Blasius (UCLA)
Zariski closures of automorphic Galois representations
- 12/20
- 16:30-17:30 A. Cadoret (RIMS/JSPS)
On the profinite regular inverse Galois problem
- 17:45-18:45
E. Friedlander (Northwestern)
An elementary perspective on modular representation theory
- 15:15-16:15
D. Eriksson (Tokyo/Paris)
Toward a proof of a metrized Deligne-Riemann-Roch theorem
- 16:30-17:30
S. Kobayashi (Nagoya)
(A two variable p-adic L-function for CM elliptic curves
at supersingular primes)
- 17:45-18:45
F. Oort (Utrecht)
Irreducibility of strata and leaves in the moduli space
of abelian varieties
- April 13, K. Nakamura (Tokyo),
Geometric construction of p-adic polylogarithm.
- April 20, K. Itakura (Tokyo),
Bloch-Kato conjecture for Dirichlet motives at the prime 2.
- April 27, J. Nekovar (Paris), The Euler system of CM points.
- May 22, A. B. Goncharov (Brown), Multiple polylogarithms, cyclotomy, and
geometry of modular varieties.
- June 8 16:50-17:50 at 123
V. Guletskii (IAS),
Combinatorial powers of algebraic cycles
松野 一夫氏
On the p-rank of Tate-Shafarevich groups of elliptic curves
T. Geisser
Lichtenbaum's definition of Weil-etale cohomology of number rings.
August 24,
O. Brinon (Tokyo)
Overcongergence of p-adic representations
in the relative case
(joint work with F. Andreatta).
Sept. 7,
J.-M. Fontaine
(Orsay, Tsinghua),
Some p-torsion sheaves in characteristic p>0.
Sept. 21, C. Greither (Munechen)
Recent work on the Equivariant Tamagawa Number Conjecture
and on its consequences.
Oct. 12, A. Hirn (Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg),
Towards a third generation proof of the classification of the finite simple groups.
Daniel Gorenstein called it "the 30 years war", when he announced the
completion of the proof of the classification of the finite simple
groups (CFSG) in the beginning of the 1980s. But the whole proof is
spread across some 500 seperate papers, so he proposed a revision almost
My talk is intended for people only familiar with the most elementary
group theory. In the beginning I will tell something about the
importance of the simple groups among all finite groups and then state
the classification theorem. Not all finite simple groups look alike. I
show an example of two basic types of simple groups to give an idea,
where the real difficulties in the proof of this classification theorem
lie. Afterwards I will say something about the history of the CFSG and
explain what a "3rd generation proof" means.
Oct. 26, B. Chiarellotto (Padova)
Filtration of p-adic differential equations
based on logarithmic growth of solutions
- Nov. 2,
Christian Virdol (Nagoya),
On Tate's conjecture for twisted quaternionic Shimura surfaces
Abstract: We consider some twited quaternionic Shimura surfaces obtained
from the quaternionic Shimura surface S_\Gamma(N) associated to the
principal congruence subgroup \Gamma(N) via twisting by a representation
of the absolute Galois group of the field of definition of S_\Gamma(N). We
will prove that the order of the pole at s=2 of the zeta function of
twisted quaternionic Shimura surfaces is equal to the dimension of the
space of Tate cycles of these surfaces. This fact is a generalization of
some results obtained by Langlands, Rapoport and Harder in the case of
Hilbert modular surfaces.
- Nov. 9,
G. Herz (Muenster),
Vector bundles on Mumford curves and
representations of fundamental groups
A. Abbes (Villetaneuse),
Micro-local analysis in positive characteristic
(joint work with T. Saito)
- Nov. 30,
Y. Mieda (Tokyo),
A result on l-independence for the etale cohomology of
rigid spaces over local fields
M. Saidi (Exeter/RIMS),
Galois covers of degree $p$ and
semi-stable reduction of curves.
- Jan. 11, 2006
16:30-17:30 Marc-Hubert Nicole (Tokyo/JSPS)
A Geometric Interpretation of Eichler's Basis Problem
for Hilbert Modular Forms
17:45-18:45 Thomas Geisser (USC)
An integral version of Kato's conjecture
- 1/18 16:30-17:30
山本 修司(東大数理)
- Jan. 25
16:30-17:30 Ch. Deninger (Muenster/Keio)
Noncommutative Mahler measure
4/21(水) 谷口 隆(東大数理)
A mean value theorem for square of class numbers of quadratic fields
6/2 W. Niziol (Univ. of Utah),
A proof of the Semi-stable Conjecture.
6/23 17:00-18:00 R. Crew (Univ. of Florida)
Arithmetic D-modules on the unit disk.
6/30 三枝 洋一(東大数理)
The Picard-Lefschetz Formula for p-adic Cohomology
7/14 I. Vidal (Univ. Paris 13, Nagoya)
Nodal curves and virtual wild ramification
8/4 J. Tilouine (Univ. Paris 13)
15:00-16:00 Taylor-Wiles systems for GSp(4)
16:30-17:30 Low weight rank four symplectic Galois representations
- 10月6日 望月 哲史 (東大数理)
Motivic reciprocity law
- 11月10日 新井 啓介 (東大数理)
- 11月17日 軍司 圭一 (東大数理)
- Nov. 24 15:45-16:45 C. Breuil (IHES) Modular forms and
p-adic representations of GL_2(Q_p): an overview.
- Nov. 24 17:00-18:00 C. Mazza (Jussieu)
Signature of Schur-finite motives
- 12月1日 服部 新 (東大数理)
- 1月11日(火) 17:00-18:00 118号室.
吉田 輝義 (学振 東大/Harvard)
- Jan. 19, 2005. L. Hesselholt (MIT)
Bi-relative algebraic K-theory and
topological cyclic homology
- Jan. 26, 2005. Liang-Chung Hsia
(National Central Univ., Taiwan)
On equidistribution theorem arising from adelic dynamics
- Ch. Deninger (Muenster)
March 2, Vector bundles on p-adic curves and parallel transport,
abstract: This is a partial p-adic analogue of the Narashimhan-Seshadri
correspondence. It is closely related to Faltings p-adic nonabelian
Hodge theory when Higgs = 0 and improves on his work in this case.
- April 3 (Thu) 16:30-17:30 at 123
P. Colmez (CNRS, Paris),
Finite dimensional Vector Spaces and p-adic representations.
April 16, B. Chiarellotto (Padova),
Syntomic cohomology and Hodge filtration.
5月7日 山本 修司(東大数理)
On p-adic L-functions for imaginary quadratic fields at inert primes
5月28日 八森 祥隆(学習院大)
6月4日 萩原 啓(東京大学)
Structure Theorem of Kummer Etale K-group
- July 16 Fabien Trihan (Univ. Mons)
Holonomy of arithmetic D-modules
associated to F-overconvergent isocrystals.
- Aug. 27 Lars Hesselholt (MIT)
Motivic complexes and topological Hochschild homology
- September 17 15:30-16:30
Guido Kings (Regensburg)
On non-commutative twisting in p-adic K-theory
- 16:45-17:45
Robert Pollack (Chicago)
Variation of Iwasawa-invariants in Hida families
- 11月26日 Kim Minhyong (Arizona大),
On the topology of algebraic surfaces and reduction modulo p
- 12月17日 市川 尚志 (佐賀大)
Heights on a subvariety of an abelian variety
- Dec. 26 Lars Hesselholt (MIT)
The de Rham-Witt complex in mixed characteristic
- January 14
印 林生(清華大)
Gamma functions, zeta functions and distributions
- Bruno Kahn (CNRS, Paris 7) February 9 (Mon) 16:30-17:30 at 123
Rational and numerical equivalences on certain varieties
of abelian type over a finite field.
- Philippe Casous-Nogues (Bordeaux) March 5 (Fri) 16:30-17:30 at 117
Twist of symmetric bundles
- March 22 (Monday), B. Le Stum (Rennes) The analytic site of a scheme.
COE seminar (organized by K. Hagihara)
Tuesday 16:00-17:00, at 118.
Bruno Kahn (CNRS, Paris 7) at 117
- February 12, Thursday 15:00-17:00,
Birational and stably birational categories
- February 13, Friday 13:30-15:30
Pure birational motives
- February 13, Friday 16:00-18:00
Triangulated birational motives
- April 17 F.Trihan (Univ. of Tokyo, Math. Sci.),
Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjectures in positive characteristic.
- April 24 A.Shiho (Univ. of Tokyo, Math. Sci.),
Weight filtrations on log crystalline cohomologies
of families of open varieties in characteristic p>0
(joint work with Y.Nakkajima).
May 1 S.Kondo (Univ. of Tokyo, Math. Sci.),
Euler sytems on Drinfeld modular curves and zeta values.
May 8 T.Moriyama (Univ. of Tokyo, Math. Sci.),
Whittaker functions on Sp(2,R) and their applications
to automorphic L-functions.
May 15 K.Gunji (Univ. of Tokyo, Math. Sci.),
On the graded algebra of Siegel modular forms
and its dimension.
June 5 T.Yoshida (Univ. of Tokyo, Math. Sci.),
Class field theory for curves over local fields
and modular curves.
June 19 T.Geisser (Univ. of S. California),
Weil-etale cohomology and special values of zeta-functions.
July 10 L. Hesselholt (MIT),
Algebraic K-theory and trace invariants.
Oct. 16, F.Trihan (Academia Sinica, Taipei),
Direct image and unipotence
- Nov. 25(Monday),
A.Langer (University of Bielefeld),
On the bad reduction of compact Hirzebruch-Zagier curves
Nov. 27, A.Abbes (CNRS, Universite de Paris 13),
Canonical subgroups and $p$-adic vanishing cycles
for abelian varieties
Dec. 25, L.Hesselholt, Galois cohomology of Witt vectors of algebraic integers
1月29日, 伊藤 哲史(東大数理),
Weight-monodromy conjecture for p-adically uniformized varieties
Feb. 19 at room 123, Nikolai Proskurin (Steklov Math. Institute, St. Petersburg),
On cubic Gauss sums and certain cubic metaplectic forms.
March 19, W. Baily (Chicago),
On the moduli of certain Fano 4-folds.
May 2, R. Greenberg (U of Washington),
p-Adic Artin L-functions.
May 16, B. Conrad (Michigan State),
Moduli spaces over p-adic fields.
斎藤 毅(東大数理) 重さスペクトル系列と悪いL因子のl非依存
辻 雄(東大数理) p進elliptic polylogとcrystalline層
P.Colmez(Paris) p-adic monodromy conjectures
栗原 将人(都立大理) 岩澤理論とFitting ideals
佐藤 孝和(埼玉大理) 楕円曲線に関するアルゴリズムとその応用について
竹田 雄一郎(都立大理)
Higher arithmetic K-theory
石井 卓 (東大数理)
1月15日(火 052号室)
S.Lichtenbaum (Brown)
Weil-etale cohomology
L. Berger (Brandeis)
p-adic representations and differential equations
小林 真一 (東大数理)
supersingular reduction をもつ
2004. 9/29-10/1 10:00-16:30 at 123
藤原 一宏(名古屋)
Modularity of Galois representations
of totally real fields.
COE workshop (organized by K. Hagihara)
Algebraic K-theory,
topological Hochschild homology
and de Rham-Witt complexes,
Univ. of Tokyo,
January 19, 20, 21, 2005.
program and abstract