Le site de l'Université Paris13

Laboratoire d'Analyse, Géométrie et Applications, UMR 7539

Réseau Européen Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry

Version française

Ramification in Arithmetic and Geometry

Conference, September 23-27, 2002

Amphi Fermat, Institut Galilée, Université Paris 13, France 


Monday, September 23

10h-11h30 Registration and breakfast

11h30-12h30 K. KATO (Kyoto University) Ramification theory of schemes and K-theoretic localized intersection theory (joint work with T. Saito), I

13h-14h Lunch

14h15-15h15 V. ABRASHKIN (University of Durham) An analogue of the Grothendieck Conjecture for higher dimensional local fields

15h30-16h30 I. VIDAL (Université Paris 13) Théorie de Brauer et conducteur de Swan

16h30-17h Coffee break

17h-18h M. KIM (University of Arizona) The Hyodo-Kato isomorphism for fundamental groups

Tuesday, September 24

10h-10h30 Breakfast

10h30-11h30 K. KATO (Kyoto University) Ramification theory of schemes and K-theoretic localized intersection theory (joint work with T. Saito), II

11h45-12h45 L. ILLUSIE (Université Paris 11) Réduction semi-stable et indépendance de l, d'après T. Saito

13h-14h Lunch

14h15-15h15 M. RAYNAUD (Université Paris 11) Variation du groupe fondamental des courbes en caractéristique p>0

15h30-16h30 K. FUJIWARA (University of Nagoya) p-adic gauge theory in number theory

17h Cocktail

Wednesday, September 25

10h-10h30 Breakfast

10h30-11h30 S. BLOCH (University of Chicago) Additive dilogarithms I

11h45-12h45 H. ESNAULT (University of Essen) Additive dilogarithms II

13h-14h Lunch

14h15-15h15 T. TERASOMA (University of Tokyo) Determinant formula for certain confluent hypergeometric functions

15h30-16h30 Y. ANDRÉ (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu) Monodromie des connexions p-adiques, et q-déformations

16h30-17h Coffee break

17h-18h N. TSUZUKI (University of Hiroshima) Rigid cohomology on local fields

Thursday, September 26

10h-10h30 Breakfast

10h30-11h30 T. CHINBURG (University of Philadelphia) Abelian cubic structure and the Deligne Riemann Roch Theorem

11h45-12h45 G. PAPPAS (Michigan State University) Galois covers and cubic structures

13h-14h Lunch

14h15-15h15 M. J. TAYLOR (University of Manchester) De Rham discriminants and epsilon constants

15h30-16h30 S. YASUDA (RIMS, Kyoto) On p-adic epsilon factors

16h30-17h Coffee break

17h-18h T. SAITO (University of Tokyo) Filtration by ramification groups in the imperfect residue field case (joint work with A. Abbes)

Friday, September 27

10h-10h30 Breakfast

10h30-11h30 C. BREUIL   (CNRS, Université Paris 11) Invariant L et série spéciale p-adique

11h45-12h45 L. BERGER (Harvard University) Limits of semi-stable representations

13h-14h Lunch

14h15-15h15 M. KURIHARA (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Some remarks on the main conjectures in Iwasawa theory, related to ramification

15h30-16h30 J-M. FONTAINE (Université Paris 11) Sur la cohomologie galoisienne des corps p-adiques