解析学火曜セミナー, 2005-nenndo

火曜日16:30 -- 18:00, 於: 東京大学大学院数理科学研究科棟(駒場) 0階052号室
幹事: 片岡清臣, 俣野博
Tel & FAX 03-5465-7029 (K. KATAOKA), 03-5465-7037(H. MATANO)
世話人: 片岡清臣,俣野 博,中村 周


Back to Tuesday Seminar of Analysis

 講師: Helmut Abels 氏(マックスプランク研究所)
  題目: An Analytic Approach to Purely Nonlocal Bellman Equations Arising in Models of Stochastic Control
(15 photographs; 870KB)
Abstract: The Bellman equation arises in stochastic control theory when one is looking for the best possible choice of a control function which minimises a cost functional associated to a stochastic process. On the analytic side this is described by a fully non-linear elliptic equation. When the control of Wiener processes is considered, usual second order elliptic differential operators occur in the equation. But considering Markov jump processes non-local integro-differential operators enter into the equation. These operators are similar to fractional powers of the Laplacian and obey a maximum principle, which allows to prove existence of positive solutions of the corresponding Bellman equation.

 講師: Peter Greiner 氏 (Univ. Toronto, Canada)
  題目: On the geometry induced by subelliptic operators
(21 photographs; 1(500KB), 2(500KB))

コロンボアルジェブラの研究者として著名なインスブルックのOberguggenberger 氏を7月第2週からの1か月ほど学振で日本に招聘することになり、滞在中に7月28日から4日間、東京に来ることになりました。(お茶の水女子大 金子晃氏より)
情報科学科講演会: 7月28日, お茶の水女子大学理学部3号館311号室 (変更になるかも知れません)
午後3時〜4時: 辻 幹雄氏 (京都産業大): ``Geometric approach to nonlinear hyperbolic equations''
午後4時〜5時: M. Oberguggenberger 氏 (インスブルック大): "Regularity theory and pseudodifferential operators in Colombeau algebras"
The theory of algebras of generalized functions of Colombeau gives an answer to the problem of multiplication of distributions and offers a framework for nonlinear analysis with distributional data. In the past decade, it has been applied to linear partial differential equations with discontinuous or even distributional coefficients as well, whose solution formally involves multiplication of distributions. A question of current research in the field is the regularity of the generalized (Colombeau) solution as well as propagation of singularities. Recently, pseudodifferential operators
and Fourier integral operators with generalized function symbols and phases have been introduced and a number of regularity questions have been answered by means of these tools. The talk is intended to motivate the particular form of this regularity theory and to present these recent results.

7月26日(火)は午前と午後に、来日中のJ. Sjoestrand 教授を囲んで、慶應大学21世紀COE「統合数理科学」超局所解析セミナーを慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパスにおいて開催します。
講演者: Shin-ichi SHIRAI (Kyoto University) :Strong-electric-field eigenvalue asymptotics for the Iwatsuka model,
Yuji NOMURA (Tokyo Institute of Technology): Spectral structure of Laplacian on abelian covering graphs,
Yasuo CHIBA (Ibaragi University): Construction of microlocal pure solutions for hyperbolic equations,
Hideki TAKUWA (Osaka University): Weighted scattering calculus and propagation phenomena of singularities at infinity,
Kenichi ITO (University of Tokyo): Propagation of singularities for Schr\"odinger equations corresponding to a scattering metric.

 講師: Johannes Sj\"ostrand 氏 (Ecole Polytechnique, FRANCE)
 題目: Spectral asymptotics for small perturbations of self-adjoint operators in two dimensions, recent progress.
(Joint work with M. Hitrik and S. Vu Ngoc.)
(31 photographs; 1(1000KB), 2(1000KB))

日時 05年7月5日(火)15時から18時30分
場所 慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパス来往舎2階大会議室
15:00-16:00 L. Boutet de Monvel (Paris VI) :Logarithmic Trace of Szegoe and Toeplitz projectors
16:15-17:15 G. Lebeau (Nice): Hypoelliptic Laplacian of J.-M. Bismut
17:30-18:30 J. Sjoestrand (Ecole Polytechnique):Asymptotics of Bergman kernels for high powers of complex line bundles

 講師: Winston Ou 氏 (Purdue University, USA)
 題目: A simple proof of the ridgelet reproducing formula
(9 photographs; 800KB)

 講師: 出口 英生 氏 (筑波大学数理物質科学研究科)
 題目: 不連続な非線形項を持つ放物型方程式の弱解と一般関数解の関係について
(27 photographs; 1(1400KB), 2(1400KB), 3(1400KB))

慶応大学 戸瀬信之氏より:M. Shubin 教授(Northeastern Univ.)が5月3日から5月17日まで来日され、慶応大学21世紀COE「統合数理科学」に滞在されます。Shubin 教授の集中講義Pathway Lectures Series を下記の要領で開催しますので、多数ご参集ください。
第1講義 5月11日(水)慶応義塾大学矢上キャンパス厚生棟中会議室
14:45-16:15 Capacity in action
第2講義 5月11日(水)慶応義塾大学矢上キャンパス厚生棟中会議室
16:30-18:00 Can one see the fundamental frequency of a drum?
第3講義 5月12日(木)慶応義塾大学日吉キャンパス来往舎2階大会議室
14:45-16:15 Capacity and spectral properties of Sroedinger operators
第4講義 5月12日(木)慶応義塾大学日吉キャンパス来往舎2階大会議室
16:30-18:00 Capacity and spectral properties of Sroedinger operators

 講師: 小薗 英雄 氏(東北大理)
 題目: Some variational inequality in $L^r$-spaces and its application to the Helmholtz-Wyle decomposition
(13 photographs; 900KB)