5Step 1. Observe that ΣX is the colimit of any diagram of the form 0XXXX0, and ΣX ΣX ⋅⋅⋅ΣX is the colimit of any diagram of the form 0X0XX0.
Step 2. Observe that by sending some X’s to zero in such a diagram, we obtain a map ΣX ΣX ΣX ⋅⋅⋅ΣX.
Step 3. Observe that this induces maps hom hCX,Y ) ×⋅⋅⋅× hom hCX,Y ) hom hCX,Y ). Step 4. Observe that any zero morphism ΣX 0 Y induces a unit element for this operation.
Step 5. Observe that hom hC(ΣΣX,Y ) admits two multiplications which are compatible. Therefore, by the Eckman-Hilton Lemma they are the same. Consequently, this multiplication is commutative.