Mathematical Physics in Mathematics and Physics Quantum and Operator Algebraic Aspects Certosa di Pontignano, Siena June 20 - June 25, 2000

Tue. June 20 Wed. June 21 Thu. June 22 Fri. June 23 Sat. June 24 Sun. June 25
9:00-10:00 K. Fredenhagen G. Gallavotti A. Jaffe D. Kreimer G. Jona-Lasinio S. L. Woronowicz
10:15-11:15 D. V. Voiculescu K.-H. Rehren M. Izumi D. Buchholz S. Popa R. Stora
11:45-12:45 G. K. Pedersen F. Xu I. M. Singer Y. Kawahigashi J. Cuntz M. Takesaki
15:00-16:00 J. Bockenhauer M. A. Rieffel E. Stormer E. Effros
16:15-17:15 F. Radulescu R. Verch D. Guido M. Mueger
17:45-18:45 A. Ocneanu R. Longo R. Powers C. Pinzari

J. Bockenhauer: Modular invariants and subfactors D. Buchholz: Geometric modular action and transplantation of local nets J. Cuntz: Noncommutative classifying spaces and Baum-Connes conjecture E. Effros: Geometric aspects of operator spaces K. Fredenhagen: Deformation quantization and the loop expansion in algebraic quantum field theory G. Gallavotti: Chaotic hypothesis: a review D. Guido: Geometric measures on a class of fractals via non-commutative geometry M. Izumi: Finite group actions with the Rohlin property on C*-algebras A. Jaffe: Twist field theory G. Jona-Lasinio: On time reversal in statistical mechanics Y. Kawahigashi: Generalized Longo-Rehren subfactors and alpha-induction D. Kreimer: Hopf algebras of Feynman graphs: from diffeomorphisms to renormalization groups to transcendental numbers R. Longo: Notes for a quantum index theorem M. Mueger: Conformal field theory and Doplicher-Roberts reconstruction A. Ocneanu: On the classification of conformal field theory, modular invariants and subfactors G. K. Pedersen: von Neumann regularity and index theory C. Pinzari: On the variational principle for Cuntz-Krieger type C*-algebras S. Popa: Amenability and rigidity in the theory of subfactors R. Powers: Recent results concerning semigroups of *-endomorphisms of B(H) F. Radulescu: Subfactors inside free group factors K.-H. Rehren: Canonical tensor product subfactors M. A. Rieffel: Gromov-Hausdorff distance for quantum metric spaces I. M. Singer: Anomalies in quantum field theory and string theory E. Stormer: The variational principle for a class of asymptotically abelian algebras R. Stora: Renormalized perturbation theory: a theoretical laboratory M. Takesaki: The structure of the automorphism groups of approximately finite dimensional factors R. Verch: Passivity and microlocal spectrum condition D. V. Voiculescu: The free difference quotient derivation: free entropy, analytic subordination and a class of coalgebras with duality S. L. Woronovicz: "az+b"-group at roots of unity F. Xu: Modular categories from a class of orbifolds