International Workshop on Quantum Field Theory and Noncommutative Geometry Sendai, Japan November 26-30, 2002

9:30-11:00 11:30-12:30 14:00-15:30 16:00-17:00 17:30-18:30
November 26 Landi Bieliavsky Wess Fernandes Natsume
November 27 Landi Waldmann Wess Matsuo Bursztyn
November 28 Landi Kamimura
November 29 Kimura Szabo Kawahigashi Dito Jurco
November 30 Kawahigashi Szabo Kimura Cahen

Y. Kawahigashi: Topological quantum field theories arising from operator algebras I, II T. Kimura: Topological field theories and algebraic structures I, II G. Landi: Noncommutative spheres, tori, and instantons I, II, III R. Szabo: Exact solutions of noncommutative field theory in two dimensions I, II J. Wess: Gauge theories on noncommutative algebras and the Seiberg-Witten transformation I, II P. Bieliavsky: Quantization of symmetric spaces revisited H. Bursztyn: Notions of equivalence for Poisson manifolds M. Cahen: A moduli space of symplectic connections on complex projective spaces G. Dito: Non-linear representations applied to deformation quantization of fields R. Fernandes: Symplectic realizations of Poisson manifolds B. Jurco: Noncommutative line bundles and Seiberg-Witten map S. Kamimura: Quantum homogeneous spaces deformed by skewsymmetric matrices Y. Matsuo: Computing string diagrams by Moyal products T. Natsume: On some familes of noncommutative low-dimensional spheres S. Waldmann: Morita equivalence, Picard groups and non-commutative field theories