Kavli IPMU-FMSP Workshop: Supersymmetry in Physics and Mathematics

March 10 - March 20, 2014

Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, Japan






March 10

G. Festuccia

D. Martelli

(15:30-17:00) IPMU Colloquium

March 11

A. Tomasiello

(13:15-14:45, Seminar Room A) S. Minwalla, MS Seminar

Y. Imamura

March 12

D. Waldram

H. Samtleben

March 13

D. Buchholz

S. Carpi

R. Hillier

March 14

D. Alekseevski

V. Cortes

March 17

R. Suzuki

H.-Y. Chen

March 18

M. Honda

K. Maruyoshi

March 19

K. Ito

K. Hosomichi

March 20

L. A. Pando Zayas

PDF file with abstracts

The titles of the talks:

D. Alekseevski

Cohomogeneity one Kähler and Kähler-Einstein manifolds with one singular orbit

D. Buchholz

Algebraic supersymmetry: The search for an appropriate framework

S. Carpi

Conformal nets, supersymmetry and noncommutative geometry

V. Cortes

Quaternionic Kähler metrics from supergravity constructions

H.-Y. Chen

Integrable Structures and Dualities in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

G. Festuccia

The geometry of supersymmetric partition functions

R. Hillier

JLO cocycles for superconformal nets

M. Honda

Higgs branch localization of 3d N=2 theories

K. Hosomichi

Self-dual strings and 2D SYM

Y. Imamura

Factorization of S3/Zn partition function

K. Ito

Omega background and deformed BPS equations

D. Martelli

Supersymmetric gauge theories on curved manifolds and their gravity duals

K. Maruyoshi

Classification of N=1 supersymmetric theories via M-theory

L. A. Pando Zayas

Rigid Supersymmetric Backgrounds of Minimal Off-Shell Supergravity

H. Samtleben

Exceptional Form of Supergravity

R. Suzuki

Tachyonic dilatation spectrum in the AdS/CFT correspondence via integrability

A. Tomasiello

Supersymmetry on curved spaces and holography

D. Waldram

The exceptional generalised geometry of N=2 flux backgrounds