Workshop at MSRI
Subfactors & Algebraic Aspects of Quantum Field Theory December 4-8, 2000

Organizing committee

D. Bisch
R. Borcherds
S. Doplicher
P. Goddard
V. F. R. Jones
Y. Kawahigashi
R. Lawrence (cochair/AQFT)
S. Popa (chair/subfactors)
A. Wassermann (cochair/AQFT)


Dec. 4 Dec. 5 Dec. 6 Dec. 7 Dec. 8
9:30-10:30Doplicher 9:30-10:30Ocneanu 9:30-10:30Bar-Natan 9:30-10:30Jones 9:30-10:30Izumi
11:00-12:00Longo 11:00-12:00A. Wassermann 11:00-12:00Lawrence 11:00-12:00Bisch 11:00-11:45Evans
12:00-12:30Mueger 12:00-12:30Toledano Laredo 12:00-12:30D. Thurston 12:00-12:30Sunder 11:45-12:30Kawahigashi
14:00-14:30Asaeda 14:00-15:00Freedman 13:45-14:45Kreimer 13:30-14:00Sato 14:00-15:00Wenzl
14:30-15:00Nikshych 15:00-15:30Wang 14:45-15:15Landau 14:00-15:00Goddard 15:00-15:30Orellana
15:00-15:30Enock 16:00-17:00Borcherds 15:45-16:15Xu 15:00-15:30Haagerup 16:00-16:30Ueda
16:10-17:00Popa 16:00-17:00Tsuchiya 16:30-17:00Shlyakhtenko
17:00-17:30Kodiyalam 17:00-18:00Frenkel

Marta-T AsaedaExotic subfactor and the spindle algebra
Dror Bar-NatanFinite type invariants and a a strange breed of planar algebras
Dietmar BischSingly generated planar algebras of small dimension
Richard BorcherdsVertex algebras are trivial
Sergio DoplicherAspects of duality
Michel EnockInclusions of von Neumann algebras, and quantum groupoids
David EvansModular invariants from subfactors
Michael FreedmanAnyons in mathematics, computer science and physics
Edward FrenkelVertex algebras and geometric Langlands correspondence
Peter GoddardAn axiomatic approach to conformal field theory
Uffe HaagerupOld and new results on spin models
Masaki IzumiNon commutative Poisson boundaries and compact quantum group actions
Vaughan JonesE6 is a breeze, E8's a tease
Yasuyuki KawahigashiBraiding and extension of endomorphisms of subfactors
Vijay KodiyalamParagroups and Hopf algebras
Dirk KreimerCombinatorics of quantum field theory
Zeph LandauExchange relations planar algebras
Ruth LawrenceAlmost modularity of quantum 3-manifold invariants
Roberto LongoCompletely rational conformal quantum field theory
Michael Mueger Completely rational CQFTs, local extensions and modular invariants
Dmitri Nikshych Bimodule categories of subfactors and representation theory of quantum groupoids
Adrian Ocneanu Higher Coxeter systems
Rosa OrellanaFinite dimensional representations of the braid group of type B and Markov traces
Sorin Popa Universal constructions and functoriality in the theory of subfactors
Nobuya SatoTwo approaches in 3-dimensional topological quantum field theories from subfactors
Dimitri ShlyakhtenkoSome applications of free probability to subfactor theory
V. S. Sunder Spectra of principal graphs
Dylan ThurstonHyperbolic volume and colored Jones polynomial: a conjecture
Valerio Toledano LaredoUnitary representations of generalised braid groups and quantum groups
Akihiro TsuchiyaSeiberg-Witten differentials as periods of rational elliptic surfaces
Yoshimichi UedaMinimal actions of compact quantum groups and subfactors
Zhenghan WangOn TQFT representations of mapping class groups
Antony WassermannQuantum subgroups and vertex algebras
Hans WenzlBraid groups and subfactors
Feng XuAlgebraic coset conformal field theories