Seminar on Geometry and Mathematical Physics

       Information: T. Kohno,
              T. Gocho,

2003年2月4日 (火) 


16:30 -- 18:00

Ralph Kaufmann 氏 (Max Planck Institute, Bonn)

Moduli space of decorated bounded surfaces and homotopy GBV algebras


2001年12月13日 (木) 


16:30 -- 17:30

Albert S. Schwarz 氏 (University of California, Davis)

Noncommutative geometry and gauge theory

April 17, 2000, 16:30 -- 18:00 Room 118


Superconformal algebraの代数的構造について

概要: conformal superalgebraの$(n)$積をある部分空間に射影してできる構
してsimple physical conformal superalgebraを分類する。分類の結果は$1$パ

May 22, 2000, 16:30 -- 18:00 Room 117



概要: Kontsevich により一般の Poisson 多様体上に変形量子化が 存在することが証明された. そして Cattaneo, Felder によ りそれがある種の topological な open string の 経路積分による量子化によって与えられることが示された. この変形量子化の経路積分表示について紹介し, 弦理論としての 変形量子化の意味づけを説明する.

May 29, 2000, 17:00 -- 18:00 Room 117

David De Wit (RIMS)

A Suite of Links-Gould Invariants

It is well-known that a state model for the Jones polynomial may be obtained from an R matrix associated with the fundamental representation of the simplest quantum algebra $U_q[sl(2)]$. This procedure holds more generally for other representations of other algebras. In 1992, Links and Gould showed how to obtain polynomial link invariants from quantum superalgebras. I present a suite of such invariants in terms of explicit parameters for their state models, and describe their properties, illustrating with some explicit computer evaluations. Specifically, for each pair of positive integers $m$, $n$, corresponding to the family of ($\alpha$-parametric) representations of the quantum superalgebra $U_q[gl(m|n)]$, we construct a $2$-variable invariant of oriented links, that I call $LG^{m,n}$. These invariants are more powerful than the HOMFLY and Kauffman invariants.



September 8 (Wed), 16:30 - 18:00, Room 118

 Valerio Toledano Laredo  (Paris VI)

Connes fusion and Verlinde rules for loop groups of type BCD

Extending recent work of A. Wassermann on $SU(n)$, we give
a solution to the problem of fusion for orthogonal and symplectic
loop groups. Our approach relies one the use of Connes' tensor
product of bimodules over a von Neumann algebra to define a
tensor product operation (Connes fusion) on the (integrable)
positive energy representations of a given level. The notion
of bimodules arises by restricting these representations to
loops with support contained in an interval $I\subset S^{1}$
or its complement. We study the corresponding Grothendieck
ring and show that the multiplicities of tensor product
decompositions (fusion rules) are given by the Verlinde

Time: February 3 (Wed), 17:00
Place: Room 118, Graduate School of Mathematical
Sciences, University of Tokyo, (Komaba Campus)

Speaker: Prof. Anton Zabrodin
(Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics)

Title: Difference analogues of the Lame operators and
Sklyanin algebra.

Information: Takashi Takebe (


October 29 (Thu) 14:00--16:00, Room 122,
October 30(Fri) 10:00--12:00, Room 122,

高崎 金久 (京都大学): Kanehisa Takasaki (Kyoto University)

Integrable systems and isomonodromic deformation.

April 15 (Wednesday) 16:30 - Room 118

武部尚志 (東大数理)

楕円曲線上のある種の WZW 模型についてI

May 20 (Wednesday) 17:00 - Room 118

武部尚志 (東大数理)

楕円曲線上のある種の WZW 模型についてII

June 24 (Wednesday) 17:00 - Room 118

松尾 厚 氏 (東大数理)

On the automorphism group of the Hamming code vertex operator algebra


April 9 (Wednesday) 16:30 - Room 118
T. Yushida (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Elementary derivation of profectively flat connection
in conformal field theory


June 18 (Wednesday) 16:30 - 18:00 Room 118

Ian Grojnowski

Elliptic cohomology

abstract: I will discuss elliptic cohomology and its equivariant versions.

July 2 (Wednesday) 16:30 - 18:00 Room 118

秦泉寺 雅夫 氏 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)


July 16 (Wednesday) 16:00 -- 17:00 Room 128

K. Guruprasad (Bangalore University, India)

Mutually dual presenations of the surface group and symplectic structure on the moduli space of representations

***Retrospective (April 1996 -- February 1997)***

November 6 (Wednesday) 15:00 - 16:15 Room 118
Y. Shimizu (Kyoto University)
Chiral algebras and application (after Beilinson-Drinfeld)

February 3(Monday) 15:00 - 16:30 Room 128
H. Nakajima (University of Tokyo)
3次元 N=4 超対称 Yang-Mills gauge理論と3次元多様体の有限型不変量
(after Seiberg-Witten, Rozansky-Witten, etc...)


April 17 (Wednesday) 16:30 - 18:00 Komaba Ichiken 212
T. Terasoma (University of Tokyo)
Intersection theory of stacks
April 24 (Wednesday) 16:30 - 18:00 Room 118
T. Terasoma (University of Tokyo)
Revisiting Kontsevich's construction of
${\bf M_{g,n}^{comb}}$
May 15 (Wednesday) 16:30 - 18:00 Room 118
A. N. Kirillov (University of Tokyo)
Universal exponential solution of the Yang-Baxter
June 17 (Monday) 14:45 -- 15:45 Room 410
K. Guruprasad (Indian Institute of Science)
Symplectic Geometry of the moduli space of
representations of the fundamental group of
July 3 (Wednesday) 16:30 - 18:00 Room 118
   T. Maeno(University of Tokyo)
Formal groups associated to algebras over
the tree operad

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