A Base Point Free Theorem of Reid Type

J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Vol. 4 (1997), No. 3, Page 621--625.

Fukuda, Shigetaka
A Base Point Free Theorem of Reid Type
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Assume that $X$ is a normal projective variety over ${\Bbb C}$, of dimension $\leqq 3$, and that $(X, Δ)$ is a log variety that is weakly Kawamata log terminal. Let $L$ be a nef Cartier divisor such that $aL-(K_X+Δ)$ is nef and log big on $(X, Δ)$ for some $a\in{\Bbb N}$. Then Bs$|mL|=\emptyset$ for every $m\gg 0$.

Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): Primary 14C20; Secondary 14J10
Mathematical Reviews Number: MR1484604

Received: 1996-09-03